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Center for Research in Transitional Economies
The Center was set up at the end of 1991 by IMEMO researchers on the basis of the “Russian Economic Barometer” (REB) program. It was conceived as instrument of monitoring and analysis of the processes going on during Russia’s transformation at a microlevel, i. e. at the level of an individual industrial enterprise. The Center (CRTE) conducts monitoring of the activities of Russian industrial and agricultural enterprises and commercial banks through monthly mail inquiries.
The CRTE is engaged in the investigation of the problems of the Russian economy in transition on the basis of unofficial statistics – its own database which is replenished every month with the data gathered through questionnaire surveys among the top managers of industrial and agricultural enterprises and of commercial banks.
The REB statistical arrays have been kept since December 1991. The base contains over 500 indicators of enterprise and bank performance. On the basis of regular surveys the Center conducts a monthly monitoring and analysis of the situation in three major sectors of economy: industrial, agricultural and banking. The Center makes 12 industrial, 12 agricultural and 6 bank surveys a year. The analysis is based on the REB sample which comprises about 800 economic agents from every region of Russia. Every month the Center handles about 200 questionnaires. The sample is representative of sectors, regions, the number of employees and patterns of ownership.
The survey results are presented in the bulletin The Russian Economic Barometer published quarterly in English. The Russian edition of the bulletin is published monthly.
The result of surveys and analytical works published in the monthly bulletin are of interest, first of all, to officials from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, the State Duma Committees and other government and legislative bodies responsible for the elaboration of economic policy. Quarterly REB bulletins are of practical importance: they make up for a deficiency in empirical studies based on original data on microeconomy and assist in decision-making in the sphere of economic policy. The bulletins may also be helpful in lawmaking activity as an interesting source of information for relevant Committees of the State Duma.
Field of research:
- market reforms and their impact on the behavior of economic agents
- economic policy and industrial enterprises
- competitiveness of Russian enterprises
- mechanisms of business community’s participation in the formulating of economic policy
- corporate governance
Research projects:
- Mechanisms of business community’s participation in the formulation of economic policy
- Economic policy and industrial enterprises
- Competitiveness of Russian enterprises and the government economic policy
Head of Center:
S.P. Aukutsionek, Cand. Sc. (Econ.)
E-mail: aukutsionek@imemo.ru
Tel.: +7 495 1207901 |
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