Russian Federation, Moscow, 117997 Profsoyuznaya 23 Str.
tel.: +7 (499) 120-5236
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Center for International Security
The Center was established in 2001. Among the researchers working at the Center are leading Russian experts in the areas of international security, arms control, non-proliferation, conflict settlement and conversion.
Research projects:
- Strengthening the global partnership.
- Research on Euro-Atlantic problems, issues of military policy and national security of the Russian Federation.
- Russia and the urgent military and political problems.
- Problems of military policy and national security.
- Transformation of military economy in the 20th century.
- Problems of military-technical policy and international security
- Research on the urgent issues of military policy.
Head of Center
Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Principal Researcher, Dr. of Science (History)
A.G. Arbatov
E-mail: arbatov@imemo.ru
Tel.: +7 (499) 120-7492 |
Center units: