Russian Federation, Moscow, 117997 Profsoyuznaya 23 Str.
tel.: +7 (499) 120-5236
Date of last updating:
© 1997-
all rights reserved
Department of Science and Innovation
Field of research:
- world economic thought and its major modern schools
- economic problems of science and innovation;
- technological progress;
- evolution of corporate relations.
Research projects:
- Comparative analysis of science and technological development in Russia and abroad.
- Formation of the economic mechanism of the government R&D policy.
- Formation of international strategic alliances and their role in the information sector of the Russian economy
- Formation of Russia’s R&D policy towards environmental protection: theoretical and methodical aspects.
- Formation of interstate innovation systems (case study of Russia and Belorus).
- Globalization of innovation processes: its impact on Russia.
- Russian science and technologies on the global market of knowledge
Head of Department:
Deputy Director of IMEMO, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sc. (Econ.)
N.I. Ivanova
E-mail: n.i.ivanova@imemo.ru
Tel.: +7 (499) 120-6521 |
Department units: