Russian Federation, Moscow, 117997 Profsoyuznaya 23 Str.
tel.: +7 (499) 120-5236
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Theory of Politics Section
Field of research:
- formation of Russia’s domestic and foreign policy: geopolitical aspects (the place and role of Russia in the modern world, Russia’s multilevel foreign-policy strategy, its national interests, issues of national security);
- comparative analysis of modern forms of democracy (the impact of national cultures on the realization of the basic principles of democracy);
- evolution of modern political systems;
- political philosophy and theory of politics;
- major schools of modern political thought.
Research projects:
- Geopolitics of the Caucasus (RFH) (Team leader – prof. K.Gadjiev)
- The Caucasus in Russia’s Geopolitical Strategy(RFH) (Team leader – prof. K.Gadjiev)
- National Interests and Foreign-Policy Orientations in the Programs of Major Political Forces in Modern Russia( RFH) (Team leader – E.Solovyev)
- Geopolitics in a Modern Russia: pro-science or anti-science (RFH) (Team leader – E.Solovyev)
Head of Section:
Cand.of Science (Politics)
E.G. Solovyev
E-mail: solovyev@imemo.ru
Tel.: +7 (499) 120-3211 |