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- Arctic: Zone of Peace and Cooperation. Executive editor A.V. Zagorsky. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2011, 195 p.
The monograph “Arctic: Zone of Peace and Cooperation” was prepared by IMEMO RAS as part of the Project Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative (EASI). The monograph from the perspective of different disciplines analyses the implications of changing Arctic climate for multilateral cooperation among states: the international legal framework for such cooperation, the prospects for exploration and exploitation of natural resources, fisheries and navigation solutions to security problems. The monograph continues the series of publications under the aegis of IMEMO and EASI in Russia. EASI project was initiated by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and implemented by a group of prominent politicians and experts from Russia, the United States and Europe to develop proposals for new security architecture in the Euro-Atlantic area. The main partner in Russia is IMEMO RAS. All the participants see the solution to problems not through the prism of relations between Russia and the West, but in the context of common security threats. This approach allows promoting the Russian vision of European security more effectively. EASI Project and the active participation of the Russian side have been found appropriate by the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Foreign Ministry.
- May 26, 2011
“Kommersant” newspaperpublishes an article by Alexander A. Dynkin, D. Johnson and K. Mangold, “Russia and OECD countries need each other.”
- April 8, 2011
В International Herald Tribune и "Kommersant"newspaper publish an article by Madeleine Albright, Igor Ivanov, Alexander A. Dynkin and S. Talbot with recommendations for further steps to reduce nuclear weapons.
- Deterrence in the Age of Nuclear Proliferation. The doctrine of mutual assured destruction is obsolete in the post-Cold War era.
- January 18, 2011
Walter Pincus Issues of the Cold War are still part of US-Russian talks ("The Washington Post", USA)
- January 13, 2011
The Moscow Times Sam Nunn, Igor Ivanov and Wolfgang Ischinger A Post-Nuclear Euro-Atlantic Security Order
- December 23, 2010
Dmitri Trenin A New Start ("The New York Times", Russia)
- October 15, 2010
Yevgeny Primakov, I.Ivanova, E. Velikhov, M.Moiseeva is published in the "Izvestia" newspaper "Form nuclear deterrence to collective security".
Е.П. Бужинский, Ф.Г. Войтоловский, В.З. Дворкин, В.И. Есин, В.В. Корабельников, В.И. Трубников Проблемы и перспективы сотрудничества России с США/НАТО в сфере противоракетной обороны Доклад подготовлен в рамках реализации проекта Евроатлантическая инициатива в области безопасности (EASI). Москва, 2011 г. |
Problems and prospects of Russia – US / NATO cooperation in the sphere of ballistic missile defense The report was prepared under the auspices of Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative (EASI). (Moscow, 2011). |
Арктика: пространство сотрудничества и общей безопасности |
The Arctic: A Space of Cooperation and Common Security |
Владимир Барановский Евроатлантическое пространство: вызовы безопасности и возможности совместного ответа Доклад для Комиссии Евроатлантической инициативы в области безопасности (EASI). Мюнхен, 7–8 февраля 2010 г. |
Baranovsky Vladimir The Euro-Atlantic Region: Security Challenges and Opportunities for a Joint Response Report to the Meeting of the Commission on Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative (Munich, February 7–8, 2010). |
Кузнецов А.В., Тоганова Н.В., Гутник А.В. Эволюция подходов к проблемам экономической безопасности в Европе. Доклад для Комиссии Евроатлантической инициативы в области безопасности (EASI), август 2010 г. |
A. Kuznetsov, N. Toganova, A. Gutnik. Evolution of Approaches to Economic Security Problems in Europe Report for the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative Commission, August 2010 |
Кризис в зоне евро: причины и последствия для евроатлантического региона Доклад для Комиссии Евроатлантической инициативы в области безопасности (EASI), июль 2010 г. |
Euro zone crisis: Causes and consequences for the Euro-Atlantic region Report for the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative Commission, July 2010 |
Проблемы экономической безопасности Евроатлантического региона Материалы ситуационного анализа в рамках проекта Евроатлантическая инициатива в области безопасности (EASI), Москва, ИМЭМО РАН, 29 июня 2010 г. |
Economic Security Problems in the Euro-Atlantic Region Situation Analysis Findings within the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative (EASI), Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 29 June 2010 |
Стратегические ценности и политическая структура Евроатлантической безопасности Материалы ситуационного анализа в рамках проекта Евроатлантическая инициатива в области безопасности (EASI), Москва, ИМЭМО РАН, 29 июня 2010 г. |
Strategic Values and Political Structure of Euro-Atlantic Security Situation Analysis Findings within the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative |
Publication in the print and electronic media
- Deterrence in the Age of Nuclear Proliferation. The doctrine of mutual assured destruction is obsolete in the post-Cold War era.
- Toward a Stronger European Security
Wolfgang Ischinger, Igor Ivanov, Sam Nunn THE MOSCOW TIMES, DECEMBER 8, 2009
- Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative Launch
Wolfgang Ischinger, Igor Ivanov, Sam Nunn, Robert Legvold December 10, 2009 – WASHINGTON, D.C., BRUSSELS, MOSCOW
- Public HEARINGS speakings on the subject of transatlantic security by D.V. Trenin, Director of Carnegie Center Moscow; Thomas Graham, senior director of Kissinger Associates, Inc.; and Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich conference on international security, at the hearing of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives
March 17. 2010
- article in “Izvestia” newspaper by Yevgeny Primakov, Prime Minister of Russian Federation, Minister of Foreign Affairs (1996-1998), Member of the Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of RAS; I.S.Ivanov, Foreign Minister (1998-2004), Security Council Secretary (2004-2007), Dr.(History), Professor of MGIMO; E.P. Velikhov, President of Kurchatov Institute - Russian Research Center, Member of the Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of RAS; and M.A. Moiseyev, Chief of General Staff, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR (1988-1991), General of the Army. 15.10.2010"From nuclear deterrence to collective security"
- All Together Now: Missile Defense
Sam Nunn, Igor Ivanov, Wolfgang Ischinger THE INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE,JULY 21, 2010
- Former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and former United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, as well as the director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations Alexander Dynkin and the Director of the Brookings Institute (Washington), former U.S. undersecretary of state Strobe Talbott addressed the governments of Russia and the U.S. with action-oriented proposals with the focus on strengthening the cooperation of Russia and the United States in the field of disarmament.
The article is published in Financial Times 12.10.2010"We must restart our stalled nuclear talks" and “Kommersant” newspaper № 188/P (4488) from 11.10.2010
- Why Euro-Atlantic Unity Matters to World Order?
By Sam Nunn, Wolfgang Ischinger, Igor Ivanov, Robert Legvold COMMENTARY, NOVEMBER 9, 2010
- Address of Sam Nunn, Co-chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) to the symposium “Bulletin of Atomic Scientists",
- Begin With Building a Common Missile Defense System
Igor Ivanov KOMMERSANT, SEPTEMBER 16, 2010
- Vladimir Baranovsky: Euro common missile defense system should be not a cause for irritation, but for cooperation // Voice of Russia. 19.09.2010